Connor Sites-Bowen
Pittsburgh, PA
Exploring the world electrifies me, keeps me turned on. I function on pedestrian density. I thrive on serendipitous meetings. I'm a coffee shop sketch artist, a people watcher, a logistician. I'm a nights and weekends guy. I have big hopes and complicated thoughts.
I'm a human being, goddamnit.
I’ve done logistics for non-profits for the last decade. I’ve helped move more than 12 million pounds of food and more than $4M in surplus medical supplies. I worked at Global Links, the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank (I coordinated the Produce to People program there), Code for Pittsburgh (the city's civic data nonprofit), and more. I'm an alumni of Public Allies.
Here in 2022, I’m entering a new stage in my life, an artistic, creative stage. I’ve launched a podcast. I’m writing a book. I’m making maps and creating culture. I’m off social media. Instead, I send out a digital letter most Sundays. Click on Newsletter, in the menu, to sign up.
If you’d like to hire me, collaborate with me, or just check in, email me at
PG&E Trail, Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve, 2019