A Field Guide to Newtopia
Fantastic Ecologies for Every Tabletop Role Playing Game
Written and Illustrated by Connor Sites-Bowen.
A Field Guide to Newtopia is an expansive, structured guide to a fantastic planetoid’s 36 unique hexagonal regions. These 36 tables of 36 entries provide an illustrated, randomized simulation of overland travel across fantastic ecologies. The book is system neutral, inspired by classic Role Playing Games, rogue-like video games, strategic miniatures, and the endless creativity of reused and remixed childhood toys.
If you wish to play at utopia, Newtopia is the place for you.
(Work in Progress)
Regional Map of 52 - Highview Forest (Elevation only, WIP)
Regional Map of 51 - Fireland Trappes
A Hexagonal Region of Hexagonal Regions
Newtopia is a hexagon of hexagons, one of twelve faces on a dodecahedron planetoid floating deep in the Aetheric Ocean between realities.
It is divided into six districts, spiraling from the hidden city beneath the central mountains clockwise outward to the outer coast.
District 1: The Inner Mountain Ring
11 Old Settlement Mountains
12 Sierpinski Ridges
13 RIven Port Peaks
14 Oxbone Lakes
15 Vast Northwest Glacier
16 Water Gap Mountains
District 2: Eastern Midlands
21 The Preservation
22 Ferrofern Savannah
23 Hexlake Flats
24 Groundswell Flood Forest
25 Spooky Swamp
26 The Barrowlands
District 3: Western Midlands
31 Lupine Lakes & Hills
32 Fanghold Mountains
33 Acceleration Slopes
34 The Sump
35 Vanadinite Heights
36 Protoceratops Pine Barrens
District 4: Outer Riverlands
41 The Nail
42 Snake Farm
43 Northern Rift Lake
44 Chromatic Forest
45 The Parklands
46 Aurochs Steppes
District 5: Outer Heights
51 Fireland Trappes
52 Highview Forest
53 The Sauropalangana
54 Estivation Station
55 Garden of the Moon Ghosts
56 Glacier Glacier Glacier
District 6: Outer Coast
61 Cold Rainforest
62 Trench Vineyards
63 The Fens
64 Suburban Jungle
65 Supercedar Point
66 Dune Complex Hills
Location Map of 6361C - The Cove of the Sedavacanther. This location is in region 63 - The Fens.
Location Map of 6366A - The Taverna Palms. This location is in region 63 - The Fens.
Important Locations in Each Region
Each of these 36 regional hexes is itself composed of 37 subhexes. These subhexes compose a connected set of hex-maps to span the continent. Each regional hex has 3+ Locations to discover, in addition to 36 random overland encounters.
Flora detail from B63 The Fens
Flora detail from B52 Highview Forest.
Overland Encounters in Six Catagories
1 Flora
2 Fauna
3 Geology
4 Rituals
5 Rumors
6 Titansign
Each Regional hexagon is further described by a series of six random tables, modeling the overland encounters one might have in one’s travels. This is the heart of the book. The first three tables provide detailed notes about each area’s plants, animals, and physical material. The denizens of those places provide their own voices and actions in the Rumors and Rituals tables. The Titansign tables provides a one-in-six chance of encountering some of the enormous, supernatural god-creatures which live in each region.
Each table entry in each table in each hex has a unique and specific dice roll associated with it, allowing one to roll four six-sided dice in order (sometimes noted as d6666) and quickly find a unique, engaging tableau just around the next bend in the road.
A Field Guide to Newtopia is a system-neutral sourcebook for tabletop roleplaying games, with an extensive, printable, digital bundle of supplemental material. With 8+ pages devoted to each of 36 regions, it is hundreds of pages.
Look for it in 2025.